R.E.A.C.H. to Connect with Your Customers is a "soft" skills training program focused on providing young customer service professionals with real world training that will prepared them to handle challenges they face working with customers.
Customer service is one of the most challenging industries when it comes to interacting with people. Representatives are often subjected to enduring the angers and frustrations customers face with the company or in life in general. How does someone work in customer service and not allow the emotions of their customers get the best of them?
R.E.A.C.H. to Connect with Your Customers is a soft skills training program focused on providing young customer service professionals with real world training that will prepared them to handle challenges they face working with customers.
Through this workshop, professionals will learn how to:
Not internalize others' feelings.
Identify when to just listen and when and now to intervene.
Command respect as a professional while being respectful to the customer.
Ending each interaction with a positive outlook.
Identify their triggers and annoyances and how their reactions impact the situation.
Self-regulation strategies to help manage burnout.